St. John's and House of Bethany Episcopal High School and Elementary School
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St. John's and House of Bethany Epsicopal School Convention, 2009: 11th Anniversary


The 2009 convention was held in Atlanta, GA, from September 4 to 6.

Bishop Hart's Message to the 2009 Convention

The Officers & Members
The Alumni Association
EHS/EES United States of America


Once more I am pleased to greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ as you meet at your annual session to discuss and make plans for the life of your alma mater, EHS/EES.

It is a known thing that God has no hands to do his work, no feet to run his errands, no funds to pay for services he needs; but he relies on the hands, feet and resources given us to carry out the ministries he assigned to the Church.

By the Grace of God and with the help of the early missionaries all of you were equipped at the EES and EHS in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount to do the task of God that maybe assigned. Today, your alma mater lies in ruin while passerby are prepared to tell the story of the past.

However, I am of the strongest conviction and belief that EES and EHS can live again if only you the Alumni and us the Episcopal Church of Liberia can join our efforts and resources to restore the once pride of the Episcopal Education System.

Therefore my brethren, I pray God’s blessings upon you in this your annual session that by the end of it you will be able to accomplish the means of addressing yourselves to the plight of our dear Episcopal Schools (EES/EHS).

Best wishes.

Faithfully yours,
+Jonathan B.B. Hart
Rt. Rev. Dr. Jonathan B.B. Hart
Bishop, Diocese of Liberia +

Friday, September 4, Welcome Session

Saturday, September 5: Convention

Saturday Dinner Ball

Sunday, September 6, Church & Farewell Picnic

Additional Photos from 2009, by Robert Sherman