St. John's and House of Bethany Episcopal High School and Elementary School
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St. John's and House of Bethany Epsicopal School 2015 Convention


The EHS-EES Convention is held on a yearly basis at different locations throughout the United States and Canada.


To carry out its many different functions, the Executive Board is empowered to make decisions and right actions for the good of the organization.

These meetings are open to any and all organizations members who care to attend.


Remarks from the National President, 2015 Convention

Fellow Alumni, friends, supporters, well-wishers; ladies and gentlemen:

With sincere and best wishes, the Board and executive committee of the EHSEES/St. John’s Technical Academy Alumni Association USA-Liberia greet and welcome you to our 17th Annual Convention in this great city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. We want to sincerely thank Mrs. Ciata Sirleaf and members in Philadelphia for their hard work in organizing and staging this event today. We say thank you for a job well done and we are grateful and wish you great success in this endeavor. Click here for the entire speech (Adobe .PDF).

Report on the Alumni-Supported Projects

Click here for Feweh Sherman's report on the projects undertaken in 2014 and 2015 (Adobe .PDF file).

Click here for the Memorial Wall program (Adobe .PDF file).

Notes from the convention (Adobe .PDF file).

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Photos from the 2015 Convention

Photos by Gardea Varney Woodson.

