Alumni Constitution

Association of Graduates and Former Students of the Episcopal Schools in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia, in the United States of America
2410 Tierwester
Houston, Texas 77004, USA


We the graduates and former students of the Episcopal High School in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County and the former students of the elementary school in Robertsport, Mambo, Bendaja, and Mbaloma also in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia currently residing in the United States of America for the purpose of forming an organization to pursue goals and objectives for the benefit of our alma mater, these Episcopal institutions, do, by the terms and conditions of this constitution and bylaws establish this association of Episcopal graduates and former students.

Article I  Name

The name of this association will be The Episcopal Elementary & Episcopal High School (Saint John's & House of Bethany) Alumni Association of Grand Cape Mount County in the Americas, Inc.

Article II  Objectives

The aims and objectives of this association shall be as follows:

Section 1.
To foster fraternal relations and solidarity among the members.
Section 2.
To promote awareness among members of the needs of referenced schools and how the alumni association could assist in meeting these needs.
Section 3.
To raise funds through donations, dues, solicitation and other legal means to restore and support these institutions.
Section 4.
To work closely with administration of aforementioned schools through the Bishop's office in Monrovia, Liberia in the implementation of planned programs.
Section 5.
To cooperate with the administrations of aforementioned schools to raise the academic and spiritual standards and values maintained in the past.
Section 6.
To engage in other appropriate activities necessary for the achievement of these goals and aspirations.

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Article III  Membership

Section 1.
Membership in the association will be open to all persons who were at any time residing at St. John's Mission and the House of Bethany, Mambo, Bendaja and Mbaloma in Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia.
Section 2.
All members shall pay annual dues to be recommended by the Executive Committee but approved by a majority of members present at the annual Re-union/Convention.
Section 3.
Any member can participate in an election and/or stand for office provided that such a member has fully paid both local and national dues no later than the day of the Convention.
Section 4.
Any member who has not paid the annual membership dues shall not participate in any activities planned by the Association, including elections, picnics, home-coming, etc., or directly or indirectly benefit from such activities.
Section 5.
Annual membership dues shall be paid between January 1 and February 28 of the current year. New members shall pay membership dues effective the date of becoming a member.
Section 6.
Each Executive Committee member shall be limited two consecutive terms for the same office. A former member of the Executive Committee may run for any executive office after a period of two years has elapsed since he or she previously held office. [Changed as of 2011.]

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Article IV  National Structure

Section 1.
Governing Body:

A. The governing body of the association will be the National President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Chaplain who will meet once a year for the purpose of:

      a. Reviewing activities of past year and accounting for all funds received and expenditures made.
      b. Formulating new policies as needed and promulgating projects for the ensuring year.
      c. Resolving disputes by confirming, dismissing or modifying decisions made by the board or chapter leaders during the course of the year.
      d. Adopting the annual budget.
      e. Approving the amount of money to be forwarded for implementation of planned projects.
      f. Collecting dues and donations and assessing new dues and levies as needed.
      g. Announcing the venue of the next convention.
      h. Performing other functions consistent with this instrument.

B. Except provided otherwise in this instrument, all decisions of the convention will be via resolution adopted by a simple majority of the members present.

C. The convention will establish rules for the conduct of convention business.

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Section 2.
Board of Directors:

A seven-member board of directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) will be established by the convention.  The convention will elect a chair, vice chair and a secretary, each member serving a two-year term of office.  The president of the association will attend board meetings and present progress reports of activities from the various chapters and the association.  Members of the board will be eligible for re-election.

Section 3.
Duties of the Board:

A. Advise and authorize the national officers to make withdrawal of funds for the implementation of approved projects.

B. Approve, modify, or reject contracts entered into by the President of the Association.

C. Investigate and take remedial action against National Officer(s) pending a session of the Convention for the Convention's final determination.

D. Convene such extraordinary sessions of the convention as may be required to preserve, protect and implement this constitution.  A simple majority of the Board will be sufficient to convene an extraordinary session of the convention.

E. Mediate and resolve inter and intra-chapter controversies as well as national leadership controversies.  An appeal from the Board's decision will be filed no later than 10 days before the next regular convention of the association.

F. Meet three times a year to transact association's business.  Time to be set by the Board.

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Article V  National Officers

Section 1.
Term and Eligibility:

The National officers will be elected by the convention at its annual session, and each will serve a two-year term, or until the next session of the convention, and may be re-elected. To be re-elected to a national office a member must be:
The National officers will be elected by the convention at its annual session, and each will serve a two-year term, or until the next session of the convention, and may be re-elected. The Executive Committee shall establish, three months prior to elections, an Election Committee made up of at least three paid-up members of the Association. This Committee shall organize and supervise the elections of Officers and shall notify member of pending elections one month prior to the date of elections. The Election Committee shall notify the Executive Committee of elections results and shall be dissolved fourteen day after elections if no complaints of impropriety are received within this period [added in 2011].
To be re-elected to a national office a member must be:

A. Certified as active by his/her respective chapter
B. Nominated by such chapters, and
C. Supported by at least one other chapter
D. The Treasurer and the President or Secretary will reside in the same geographic location.

Section 2.
Duties of the National President:

A. The National President will be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.
B. The President will conduct the regular business of the association and will implement such programs, projects and activities in furtherance of the spirit and objectives of the association.
C. The President may enter into a contract and execute it on behalf of the association with the advice and consent of the Board.
D. The President may, in addition to the standing committees, establish ad hoc committees when necessary.  
E. The President will perform all other duties as assigned by the convention and the Board.

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Section 3.
The Duties of the National Vice President:

A. The National Vice President will assist the National President in the performance of the duties stated in section 2, supra.
B. The Vice President will act as Chief Executive Officer of the association during the absent or inability of the national president.
C. In the event that the office of the national president will become vacant by reason of disability, death, resignation, impeachment, or permanent absence, the vice president will succeed to the office of National President to complete the term.

Section 4.
The Duties of the National General Secretary:

The National General Secretary will keep all membership logs and records of regular business sessions of the association and the national convention.  Shall prepare and keep all minutes, correspondence, report and other written instruments on behalf of the association except that legal counsel will be obtained with respect to preparation of legal documents.

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Section 5.
National Treasurer:

The duties of the National Treasurer will maintain all financial records and bank statements of the association. The treasurer will deposit promptly all association funds received no later than five days after receiving in specially established bank accounts.  Withdrawals and other disbursements of funds will be cosigned by the treasurer and the president, with prior approval by the Board.  The treasurer will present an annual written financial report of all expenditures.

Section 6.
The Duties of the National Chaplain:

The National Chaplain will lead in invocation at all gatherings of the association. He or she will also close every meeting with the Benediction.

Section 7.

A. They will be established, in geographical areas where at least 10-15 members of the association reside. The Executive Committee and Board will approve Chapters.

B. Chapters of the association may engage in fund-raising activities. Funds from such activities must be accounted for to the national office. No chapter will expend funds raised in the name of the association without the approval of the national office.

C. Annual dues or donations collected or received by chapter leaders will be forwarded to the national treasurer after five days of the activity with proper documentation. Chapters will not expend any portion of national due for implementation of chapter purpose.

D. Chapters may however be reimbursed for expenditures incurred for a fund raising drive upon the showing of proper receipts.
For the list of chapters, please click here.

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Section 8.
Expending Association Funds:

To the extent that a major goal for establishing this Association is the restoration and support of the aforementioned schools, the association will expend funds primarily for the implementation of these goals.  As provided in the instrument, all dues and national donations collected will be expended for the restoration and support of these institutions.  Such funds will not be expended for the member's entertainment or for  administrative purposes.  Additionally all funds received through solicitation in the name of the association will be used for the planned programs and projects for the benefit of the aforementioned schools.  All funds will be disbursed to these institutions through the Bishop's office in Monrovia, Liberia.

Section 9.

There will be no monetary or other compensation to national officers, heads of chapters, Board Members or National Convention leaders for services rendered or to be rendered for the association.  There will however, be reimbursements made for legitimate proven expenses incurred or made by such people or persons for the benefit of the association.

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Section 10.
Removal of Officers:

A. Any National Officer may be impeached, suspended, declared incapacitated by the convention.

B. Any National Officer may be temporarily suspended or declared incapacitated by the Board.

C. In the event of the death, resignation, impeachment or incapacity of a National Officer, other than the National President, to service, the Board will elect.  A successor ad interim will succeed to the National Presidency as provided in Section 2 of the Constitution and By-Laws

D. No officer will be removed or suspended without the benefit of a hearing. Such hearing will be heard before the Board.  Appeal of the Board's decision will be taken to the convention as provided for in this constitution.

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Section 11.
Grounds for Impeachment or Removal:

A. Failure and/or inability to perform duties.

B. Misappropriation of Association's funds.

C. Using the Association's name for personal gains.

D. Undesirable behavior in or outside of the Association.

Section 12.
Fraternal Obligation:

It will be the obligation of the Association to devise ways and means to assist a member financially or morally as needed such as in case of imprisonment, hospitalization, or death.  Funds for such assistance will be raised by donations and the amount determined by the National President.

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Article VI  Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 1.
National Headquarters:

The convention will determine the location of the headquarters of the Association. The Convention may establish such other offices as may be deemed necessary for the  achievement of its objectives.

Section 2.
Amendments of the Constitution:

Amendments of the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the chapter at any session of the convention. Such amendment will be adopted upon the vote of at least two-third of all members in attendance at such sessions of the convention.

Article VII  Entry into Force

This Constitution will enter into force upon the vote for the adoption of a resolution by at least two-thirds majority of all members of the Convention present.


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William Paasewe
1220 Hogan Ridge Drive,
Grayson, GA 30017

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