Elementary School

Classroom Before and Just After the Civil Wars

Elementary school classroom, pre-wars

An elementary-school classroom before the war.

A crowded elementary-school classroom just after the war.

Elementary School Students

Sando Kiawu-Jones took these photos on her 2013 trip to Robertsport. "The students were returning home from school," she said. "We came across them while we were visiting the town, and we chatted with them and took the photos."

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Adminstration Offices

These offices were created as of 2023.

Teachers' lunch room.

Principal’s and registrar’s office.

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Decorative Security Bars on the Elementary School Windows

This 2012 renovation and repair work was supported by St. John's Episcopal Church in Worthingon, Ohio. Many thanks!

Renovation of the window bars at the elementary school.

A classroom with the new safety window bars.

EES from the outside showing the installed bars.

A steel door with a new lock.

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Carpentry Work

Also in 2012, internal renovations were sponsored by St. John's Episcopal Church parish in Worthington, Ohio, through the instrument of alumna Rev. Mother Abeoseh M. Fleminster, assistant priest of the church. The donation for this project came from the church's Millenium Development Goals Fund. Upon hearing the news about the project funding, Mother Fleminster followed the protocol and immediately informed our leadership. Once again, we want to thank Rev. Mother Fleminster, Father Philip A. College, and the entire membership of St. John's Episcopal Church for your generosity. May God bless you all.

The staff, students, and principal worked together on the project to create a conducive learning environment.

Students carrying lumber  Students carrying lumber

Students carrying the lumber.

In the woodshop  

In the woodshop  Fitting a door

Students and Principal Siafa Mendemasse.

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New Roof Put on the Elementary School

Replacement of the roof on the Episcopal Elementary School in Robertsport from the unhealthy and damaged asbestos material to the best-quality grade of zinc was started in April, 2016. The estimated cost of the work, submitted by the principal of the joint schools, was $16,750.

The roof was a collaboration in ministry between St. John’s Episcopal Church, Worthington, Ohio and the EES-EHS Alumni Association, USA, through the Partners-in-Ministry-in-Liberia (PIMIL) of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Westerville, Ohio. The churches donated $12,000 to the project.

Materials for the new roof.

The sheets of zinc. The following pictures show the midpoint of the work:

The nearly finished roof.

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 — Email: info@ehsees.org

William Paasewe
1220 Hogan Ridge Drive,
Grayson, GA 30017

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