The Building

High school before the wars.

The high school before the war.

High school after the wars.

The nearly destroyed high school.

The high school now.

A high-school classroom now.

Fixing the Roof

The roof needed to be done prior to furnishing the science lab to safeguard the lab and equipment from water damage resulting from roof leakage:

The old roof.

The new roof installed in 2021. The Memorial Wall donations paid for the replacement.

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The destroyed library.

Donated Library

Books were donated by Christ Church New Brighton parishioners in 2012:

Georgia Howell cataloging donated books.

Georgia Howell, the daughter of Father Charles Howell and Liz Howell, Christ Church, Staten Island, made a mini-library for the pre-K to sixth-grade students of EES. She also cataloged the books to make it easier to assess needs and usage.

The moving truck in front of the Christ Church rectory, where the books were stored in the attic.

On one of the three flights of stairs.

The crew, plus Feweh Sherman and Fr. Charles Howell.

The Books in Robertsport

Unpacking newly delivered books.

Shelving the books.

What are these books about?

A real library now.

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Chemistry Lab

The chemistry lab in 1950s.

The Chemistry Lab Takes Shape in 2012: Doors, Windows and Desks

Dr. Eugene Shannon inspecting the Chemistry Lab.

The walls have been painted.

Desks have arrived. Stools are still to come.

The completed windows with security bars.

The completed doors.

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William Paasewe
1220 Hogan Ridge Drive,
Grayson, GA 30017

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