The EES/EHS Annual Convention Aug. 30-Sept. 1 in Dover, DE
Speaker Rev. Trevor R. Babb
Convention Summary – Resolutions 2019
- Salary payment to school suspended (pending clear communication & advice from LIB branch on status).
- Purchase pickup truck (before end 2020).
- Re-roofing of EHS Building (docs to be presented to Bishop by USA Chair, Sam Abdullai).
- Koboliah Agro Project
- Bylaws amended to include the new position of ”Financial Secretary”.
- Launch of endowment to raise $500,000 in five years (dreaming big).
- Fr. Bobb’s 2020 Mission visit to Liberia.
- 2020 convention to be held in Maryland USA.
- Election of new core of officers (for next 2 yrs term)