2019 Convention


The EES/EHS Annual Convention Aug. 30-Sept. 1 in Dover, DE

Speaker Rev. Trevor R. Babb

Convention Summary – Resolutions 2019

  1. Salary payment to school suspended (pending clear communication & advice from LIB branch on status).
  2. Purchase pickup truck (before end 2020).
  3. Re-roofing of EHS Building (docs to be presented to Bishop by USA Chair, Sam Abdullai).
  4. Koboliah Agro Project
  5. Bylaws amended to include the new position of ”Financial Secretary”.
  6. Launch of endowment to raise $500,000 in five years (dreaming big).
  7. Fr. Bobb’s 2020 Mission visit to Liberia.
  8. 2020 convention to be held in Maryland USA.
  9. Election of new core of officers (for next 2 yrs term)




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Germantown, MD 20875

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