Sam AbdullaiNational Leadership

Samuel A. Abdullai Sr., President
Sylvanus M. Golakai, Vice President
Sando Jones, National Secretary
William C. Paasewe, National Treasurer
Jankoba Sambola, Financial Secretary
Alice Kromah, Chaplain

Board Members

Dr. Kate C. Bryant
Dr. Yede Dennis
Dr. Hannah A. Bowen-Jones
Dr. John Vaanii Singler
Cllr. Mohamed F. Jones
Mrs. Janet McLaughlin
Dr. David McLaughlin

Scholarship Committee

William  Feweh Sherman
Rev.Mother Abesoeh Flemister
Dr. Cyril E. Broderick, I
Harriet King-Duncan
Comfort Shepard-Pearson

Standing Committees

Robert G. Sherman, Membership & Outreach
William Feweh Sherman, Reconstruction & Projects
Fr. James Yarsiah , Welfare & Concern
Harriet King-Duncan, Youth Wing

Liberian Association Leadership

Elections for officers of the Liberian chapter of EHS-EES were held on June 7, 2012, at Congotown. Officers have been elected to serve for one year until the constitution has been reviewed. The new officers are: Ernest Bruce (president), Rev. Edgar Freeman (Vice President), Dabah Varpilah (Secretary), Mabel Boyd (treasurer), and Elizabeth Dempster (chaplain). Click here for photos and more information.

Contact Us

 — Email:

William Paasewe
1220 Hogan Ridge Drive,
Grayson, GA 30017

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